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Economic Value Added (EVA) Brief
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Rio Adrianus
2 Sep 20194 menit membaca
EVA Brief: GGRM (Gudang Garam)
What I expected in prior Elliott Wave analysis turns out to be true. I expected we would see elevated, unrealistic expectations during...
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Rio Adrianus
30 Agu 20195 menit membaca
How to Count Waves (Real Time Case in GGRM)
Sudah cukup lama saya ingin membuat artikel yang mengajarkan Elliott Wave, tapi tidak saya lakukan karena saya tahu betapa mudahnya...
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Rio Adrianus
27 Agu 20195 menit membaca
EVA Brief: TLKM (Telkom Indonesia) [Bahasa]
Background Analisa kali ini menampilkan Elliott Wave jadi agak lebih panjang. Saya mempunyai dugaan kuat kalau Elliott Wave, sebuah model...
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Rio Adrianus
17 Agu 20194 menit membaca
EVA Brief: SRIL (PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk) - [Bahasa]
Background: Saham ini tidak kemana-mana. Hal yang membuat saya tertarik menganalisa saham ini adalah banyak yang berkata saham ini tidak...
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Rio Adrianus
13 Agu 20195 menit membaca
EVA Brief: BIRD (PT Blue Bird Tbk)
Background: This stock is in a downtrend ever since it went IPO. I thought the impulsive looking wave in 2017 was the start of something...
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Rio Adrianus
22 Jul 20193 menit membaca
EVA Brief: BWPT (PT Eagle High Plantation Tbk)
Let’s do another round of review because I am considering to add another round in this stock. This time I’ll bring AALI in the picture...
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Rio Adrianus
17 Jul 20193 menit membaca
EVA Brief: CPIN (PT Charoen Phokpand)
2018 was really good. Usually it gets better after Q1, but later I would show why it is likely the lever to further EVA improvement is...
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Rio Adrianus
9 Jul 20194 menit membaca
EVA Brief: ERAA (PT. Erajaya Swasembada Tbk.)
This stock was once a favorite of mine for wave structure reasons. It was a splendid investment until it hit its peak in 2018. For wave...
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Rio Adrianus
20 Jun 20193 menit membaca
EVA Brief: PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (MNCN.JK) June 2019
Recently, an unusual move happened in MNCN. Suddenly, MNCN drew interests. I got a notification too from my old group and read the press...
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Rio Adrianus
17 Jun 20192 menit membaca
EVA Brief: PT Totalindo Eka Persada Tbk (TOPS.JK) June 2019
From its IPO around IDR 120/share to its peak so far at IDR 952/share in just one year seems fantastic and may give us the illusion that...
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Rio Adrianus
25 Mei 20194 menit membaca
Economic Value Added (EVA) Brief: PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk (HOKI.JK)
Last year when I did not consider EVA much, I was tempted to add this stock into my portfolio. I thought it was good to have a company...
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Rio Adrianus
21 Mei 20194 menit membaca
Economic Value Added (EVA) Brief: PT Saranacentral Bajatama Tbk (BAJA.JK)
If you read Bisnis Indonesia, you would get a particular lengthy stock analysis from time to time. There is one stock that I remember...
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Rio Adrianus
19 Mei 20194 menit membaca
Economic Value Added (EVA) Brief: PT Unilever Tbk (UNVR.JK)
Think blue-chip, think Unilever (UNVR). I am looking for some blue chips to invest, is there an opportunity? A good company may not be a...
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Rio Adrianus
17 Mei 20192 menit membaca
Economic Value Added (EVA) Brief: PT Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk (PTPP.JK)
It is pleasing to see another consistent wealth creator. PTPP has been a wealth creator for at least 3 years in a row. Yes, its EVA...
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Rio Adrianus
16 Mei 20191 menit membaca
Economic Value Added (EVA) Brief: PT Sariguna Primatirta Tbk (CLEO) May 2019
PT Sariguna Primatirta Tbk (CLEO) sells bottled mineral water. Its business has been remarkable, generating positive and increasing EVA...
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Rio Adrianus
14 Mei 20192 menit membaca
EVA (Economic Value Added) Brief Analysis on Eagle High Plantation.Tbk (BWPT.JK) May 2018
BWPT value creation was at its lowest point in 2018 since it went public. EVA tumbled to Rp-1,687 Billions after we saw improvement in...
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Rio Adrianus
27 Mar 20198 menit membaca
Gain More Understanding With Sensitivity Analysis: BWPT Case
As far as I’m concerned, building a financial model serves two major purposes: 1. To reverse-engineer share price to get shareholders’...
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Rio Adrianus
21 Mar 20195 menit membaca
The Files: Gajah Tunggal Tbk (GJTL.JK) March 2019
Value Trap A market in downtrend does not necessarily mean it is cheap. A price to book ratio (PBV) less than one does not necessarily...
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Rio Adrianus
25 Feb 20193 menit membaca
The Files: Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF.JK)
One of strong signs that a stock is cheap/undervalued is the fact that the stock has been in downtrend from some time. But that may not...
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Rio Adrianus
23 Feb 20193 menit membaca
The Files: Holcim (SMCB.JK) Feb 2019
This is a company that is in dire state. It has been that way since the measurement period that I have chosen in 2015. Its return on...
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